There are a lot of WordPress installation instructions to be found on the Internet. Most of them will show you how to get WordPress installed fast, and most of the will use affiliate links to guide you to a preferred hosting provider. But what happens next? You are guided … [Read more...]
Build A WordPress Website With Blog
Did you know that it is really easy to setup a WordPress website with blog page? If you want to have such a WordPress site, you just need to create two WordPress pages. Creating Homepage And Blog Page The first page you create is your Homepage, but don't call this page … [Read more...]
WP Super Cache Plugin Installation and Configuration
Go to Plugins -> Add New and use the search function to browse and find the plugin you want form the plugin website. In this case we want to install the plugin WP Super Cache to speed up the site response time. After the search you will see an overview … [Read more...]
WordPress Categories vs Tags – Best Practices for Your WP Blog and Website
When you first start with a WordPress website your need to know more about WordPress Categories vs Tags, which can be very confusing. WordPress Categories are the main placeholders for your posts. You should think about the structure of your site before creating base … [Read more...]
When To Use WordPress Posts and Pages
There is a big difference between WordPress Posts and WordPress Pages, the first ones are standard published on a timeline; the latter are static information pages. If you want to blog and create an online dairy, your primary elements on your website should be Posts. Posts can … [Read more...]